

Lauren Boucher

Matt Malinowski

Ari Reeves


Nyamolo Abagi, Hannah Blair, Ana Maria Carreño, Christine Egan, Sam Grant, Sammy Jamar, Lisa Kahuthu, Lina Kelpsaite, Ruth Kimani, Aoibheann O-Sullivan, Alexia Ross, Yasemin Erboy Ruff, Corinne Schneider, Jenny Corry Smith, Bishal Thapa, Colin Taylor, Jiayi Zhang, and Steven Zheng (CLASP)



CLASP. Net Zero Heroes: Scaling Efficient Appliances for Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation & Resilience, CLASP, November 2023.

© CLASP, November 2023

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Teal Media


CLASP makes no representations or warranties implied. The work presented in this report represents our best efforts and judgments based on the information available at the time this report was prepared. CLASP is not responsible for the reader’s use of, or reliance upon the report, nor any decisions based on this report. Readers of the report are advised that they assume all liabilities incurred by them, or third parties, as a result of their reliance on the report, or the data, information, findings, and opinions contained in the report.

Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this and other documents may not add up precisely to the totals provided and percentages may not precisely reflect the absolute figures.


The authors would like to thank the following people for their reviews, research, and additional insights: Dan Waldron (Acumen); Katherine Hasan (Consultant); Steven Wiel* (Mamoni Valley Preserve); Mirka Della Cava* and Noah Horowitz (Clean Cooling Collaborative [CCC]); Demba Diop* (EPM Consulting); Hubert Zan (Ghana Energy Commission); Makena Ireri (Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet [GEAPP]); Susie Wheeldon (Global Off-Grid Lighting Association [GOGLA]); Joyita Mukherjee* (Consultant, International Development, Climate & Blended Finance); Clara Camarasa and Kevin Lane (International Energy Agency [IEA]); Kavita Rai (International Renewable Energy Association [IRENA]); Anibal de Almeida* (ISR-University of Coimbra); Sujeesh Krishnan* (Kinnami Software Corporation); Marie-Vincente Pasdeloup* (Consultant, MVP communications); Daniela Laßmann and Ashwin Tomy Pulikunnel (Perspectives Climate Group); Richard Lowes (Regulatory Assistance Project [RAP]); Christine Eibs Singer (Shine Campaign); Robert Van Buskirk (Solar4Africa); Wondwossen Wondemagegnehu (South South North); Ben Hartley and Giorgia Pasqualetto (Sustainable Energy for All [SEforALL]); and Martina Bosi and Dana Rysankova (World Bank).

*Reviewer is also a member of the CLASP Board of Directors.


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