Online Labeling Widget (draft version for beta testing)

CLASP worked with GTD to develop some code to facilitate the correct integration of the energy label and product information sheets onto the relevant webpages of their online store.

This tool allows retailers to easily display the energy label and product information sheet as required by the energy labelling regulations.

Purchasing appliances online, as well as doing research online prior to potentially going to a store, has become common practice in the EU. In the meantime, while attention to compliance has generally increased, online compliance has remained largely under-invested. Studies such as CLASP’s Evaluation of Online Energy Labelling Compliance in the EU have shown particularly low levels of online compliance, largely due to complex – and sometimes unclear – requirements. But how can compliance be facilitated for online retailers?

To help solve that issue, CLASP and GTD, in collaboration with the European Commission, have developed a tool in the form of a piece of code that can easily be integrated to any retailer’s website.

This Online Labelling Widget is designed to:

  1. Retrieve the required elements directly from EPREL
  2. Display them as required by the energy labelling regulation
  3. Be easily integrated in the front-end code of online stores
  4. Not require storage capacity on the side of the retailer

Our intention, following this beta-testing phase, is to deliver the widget to the European Commission to make it available from the EPREL portal, for voluntary use by online retailers. This tool is part of a broader effort and will be accompanied by harmonised guidance documents to the intention of both retailers and Market Surveillance Authorities.

To learn more about the tool, how to use it or test it, please view this recording, slide deck and technical guidance to retailers.

For any comments or questions, please contact:

Project related questions:


Coding questions, technical issues:


General feedback on the widget: please copy both

Additional Resources

Learn what triggered the development of the tool

Download the Widget and Usage Instructions

Learn how to download and use the tool

Click the “Download the code” button above to access the code and the technical guidance on how to integrate it to the webstore.

To learn more about the tool, how to use it or test it, please view the recordings and slide decks for which you can find links at the top of this page.

CLASP does not accept any liability for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of, or in connection with, the use or misuse of any information contained on this website, including the Online energy labelling widget. This widget hosted by CLASP is offered as a free resource to facilitate compliance with the online energy labelling requirements, but effective compliance remains the responsibility of the retailers. Users of this tool acknowledge and agree that any use of this information is done at their own risk.


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