India’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency Releases Video about the Benefits of Star Labeled Appliances
Consumer awareness on cost and energy savings through energy efficient appliances and equipment has been accorded highest priority by India’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). BEE’s new video, which was created with support from CLASP and Riverbank Studios, is one endeavor under the BEE Standards and Labeling outreach initiative to engage and inform consumers on benefits of Star Labeled appliances.
The India’s appliance energy efficiency policy program launched in 2006 with the objective of promoting the production of efficient appliances and equipment and facilitating informed decision making for consumers. The program is intended to reduce the energy consumption of appliances without diminishing the services they provide to consumers.
CLASP worked with BEE to develop India’s very first voluntary policies for air conditioners and refrigerators, implemented in 2007. Since that time, India’s standards and labeling program has grown tremendously, increasing the number of covered products and the stringency of existing energy performance requirements. 21 products are currently covered by the BEE Standards and Labeling program, including 10 for which it is mandatory.
Watch the video about the benefits of star labeled appliances.