CLASP Supports the SEAD Initiative

CLASP and the Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) initiative are working together to transform the global market for efficient equipment and appliances. The SEAD initiative’s mission – transforming the global market for efficient equipment and appliances – aligns with CLASP’s vision of a world in which products are built for maximum energy efficiency and minimal contribution to global climate change. CLASP aims to help policy makers increase both the scope and stringency of their standards and labeling (S&L) programs through more active participation in the SEAD program.

About SEAD

SEAD is a government-led international market transformation effort for highly efficient appliances and equipment. SEAD – which was launched at the first Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) in Washington, D.C. in July 2010 – includes the member governments of Australia, Brazil, Canada, the European Commission, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

SEAD participants work collaboratively on the following market and programmatic initiatives:

  • raising the efficiency ceiling by facilitating international cooperation on incentives, procurement, and awards to “pull” super-efficient products to market;
  • raising the efficiency floor by increasing the stringency of national or regional minimum energy efficiency standards to “push” the most inefficient products out of the market; and
  • enhancing the foundations of energy efficiency programs by bolstering global information sharing and coordinating technical analysis to support SEAD activities.

To learn more about the SEAD Initiative, please visit

CLASP’s Role as the SEAD Operating Agent

The SEAD initiative appointed CLASP as the Operating Agent in 2011. As the Operating Agent, CLASP uses its extensive experience in energy efficiency S&L for appliances and equipment to support SEAD activities. CLASP’s supporting efforts include strategic advice to SEAD leaders on the development of program activities and coordination and facilitation of the Working Groups whose activities include procurement, technical analysis, standards and labeling, awards, and incentives.

Current SEAD Activities—Working Groups in Detail

The SEAD initiative’s Working Groups – all coordinated by CLASP – are actively accomplishing their programmatic goals of conducting technical analysis; introducing the first international awards competition for the most efficient appliances; facilitating international collaboration on S&L rule-making activities; and enhancing the design, deployment, and effectiveness of public procurement programs for efficient products.

The Procurement Working Group is developing a best practice guide to assist procurement officials with the identification of efficient products; the design of effective procurement policies; and the monitoring and verification procedures necessary to ensure program success. The working group is also developing a series of analytical tools for the evaluation of energy consumption and life cycle costs for products of interest to SEAD. Most notably, SEAD’s Street Lighting Evaluation Toolkit – developed in collaboration with the Alliance to Save Energy and launched on – is an energy savings calculator for street lighting procurement. The street lighting tool provides an efficient and consistent way for government procurement officials worldwide to evaluate energy consumption, light quality, and costs of street lighting alternatives such as LED street lights. Energy savings calculators for additional products – including interior lighting, computers, monitors, and air-conditioners – are in development.

The Technical Analysis Working Group is conducting detailed analyses of the potential for energy efficiency improvement of televisions, ceiling fans, and room air-conditioners. These documents will form the basis for the efforts of other SEAD working groups, and will be published for use by S&L program officials around the world. The Technical Analysis Working Group is also contributing to the development of the Bottom-up Energy Analysis System (BUENAS), an analytical platform for estimating potential energy savings for S&L policies in SEAD economies.

The Standards and Labels Working Group has initiated international collaboration initiatives for six product categories, including commercial refrigeration, computers, distribution transformers, solid-state lighting, motors, and televisions, and the energy use mode of network stand-by. Government representatives and technical experts from SEAD economies are sharing information and best practices to further the development and harmonization of energy efficiency S&L programs for the identified product categories.

The Awards Working Group has selected flat panel televisions as the product category for the 2012 SEAD Global Appliance Energy Efficiency Award. A total of 20 awards will be given to the most efficient televisions available in four markets: Australia, Europe, India, and the United States. The Award is designed to help consumers identify the most energy efficient products amongst competing models on the market. Future awards will be developed for other major energy-using appliances, such as electric motors, computers, refrigerators, and lighting, that are both internationally traded and can be evaluated using established test methods.

Potential Energy Savings of the SEAD Initiative

The potential energy savings from the SEAD initiative is significant. If SEAD economies – which are responsible for approximately half of the global energy demand – raise efficiency standards to the world’s best, the potential energy savings have been estimated to be 1,800 terawatt hours per year of electricity by 2020 – equivalent to 600 five-hundred megawatt power plants; 21 exajoules per year of primary energy – equivalent to the energy in three billion barrels of oil; and US $150 billion per year of net energy-related expenditures. The SEAD initiative – with CLASP’s support – is positioned to make a difference.


BUENAS: Bottom-up Energy Analysis System
CEM: Clean Energy Ministerial
CLASP: Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Program
S&L: Standards and Labeling
SEAD: Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment Initiative


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