Finding the Sweet Spot: Identifying Affordable Quality Solar Products for the Last Mile

This report brings together the GDC’s findings from 6 months of research on the quality of best-selling non-quality-verified (non-QV) products in Kenya. Through a funnelled field survey and quality testing led by VeraSol, our research identified non-QV products that are close to meeting the Lighting Global Quality Standards while remaining highly price-competitive with leading products in the market today.

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In collaboration with Global Distributors Collective

As the off-grid solar (OGS) market has matured, and product choice has expanded, distributors and customers report finding it increasingly difficult to identify and procure high-quality, affordable products at the last mile.

This report brings together the GDC’s findings from 6 months of research on the quality of best-selling non-quality-verified (non-QV) products in Kenya. Through a funnelled field survey and quality testing led by VeraSol, our research identified non-QV products that are close to meeting the Lighting Global Quality Standards while remaining highly price-competitive with leading products in the market today.

This report was developed by the Global Distributors Collective in partnership with VeraSol, a quality assurance program for modern off-grid solar solutions managed by CLASP and the Schatz Energy Research Center.

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