A World Bank Report: Punjab Energy Efficiency Project

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Standards & Labeling of Fans
Progress Update – September 2017

In partnership with CLASP, the World Bank Group (WBG) is supporting the Pakistani government’s transition to more energy efficient technologies in the Punjab province. Launched in 2016 and focused specifically on fans, the program established the country’s first-ever energy efficiency standards and labels for appliances. As of September 2017, 83,100 efficient labeled fans replaced older, more energy-consuming models in Punjab government buildings, reducing annual electricity consumption by an estimated 2.63 MWh.

The WBG recently commissioned the production of a short documentary film chronicling the country’s successful launch of its first appliance energy efficiency standards and labeling program and its significant achievement thus far. To date, 23 fan models from 13 manufacturers meet efficiency standards for the energy label. In collaboration with the newly established Punjab Energy Department and the Punjab Energy Efficiency and Conservation Agency (PEECA), CLASP and the WBG are now working to replace 250,000 fans with high-efficiency models in 20,000 public Punjab schools.

With the initial project phase set to close at the end of 2017, the next phase proposes to replace 20,000 fans in Punjab health facilities with high-efficiency models, in addition to improving S&L specifications for fans during the next cooling season in 2018. In conjunction with PEECA, the WBG concluded that refrigerators and freezers are the next priority appliance for energy efficiency in the country.

Watch a short video about this project here.


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