CLASP and the Policy Partners Compare Global Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards and Labels


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Comparing energy performance requirements for appliances from country to country is difficult because of variations in product definitions, misaligned energy test procedures, and divergent efficiency metrics. This complex landscape can prevent policymakers from identifying or adopting global best practices in appliance energy efficiency policy.

IGC publication coverTo address this challenge, CLASP and the Policy Partners, along with many other technical product experts, collected data to compare appliance energy efficiency policies, test methods, and efficiency metrics for more than 100 products across nine economies—Australia, China, the European Union, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, and the United States.

The resulting analysis represents the largest and most comprehensive comparison of energy standards and labels ever compiled. It describes which product policies are comparable across economies; which are not; and which could be. It is intended to provide policymakers and experts with useful tools for analyzing country data at a macro-level and to enable more informed decisions about the most appropriate policies.

The results are presented in several components:


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