Benchmarking Analysis Compares Efficiency of Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Across Nine Economies
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Many economies around the world are beginning to regulate commercial refrigeration equipment (CRE). CRE products include vending machines, reach-in coolers, among other products. Due to the limited availability of data for many products in the CRE product category, economies often face challenges when trying to implement S&L policies.
CLASP’s product and policy mapping and benchmarking studies inform policymakers about opportunities and pathways to raise the ambition of national policies in order to maximize energy savings and CO2 emissions reductions. The data collected and benchmarks determined by this study can provide economies with better information and ambitious targets when setting or revising product policies.
Following the completion of the CRE scoping study in 2012, CLASP conducted a benchmarking analysis for CRE in collaboration with the SEAD Initiative and Waide Strategic Efficiency, Saint Trofee and Cemafroid. Based on recommendations from the scoping study, this benchmarking study focuses on products that are most commonly used and regulated, such as commercial reach-in coolers (including refrigerated display cabinets and beverage coolers) and refrigerated vending machines.
This analysis focuses on nine economies – including Australia, Brazil, China, Europe, India, Japan, Mexico, South Africa and the US – that demonstrate high energy savings potential through adopting more proactive policy measures for CRE. By including more economies in the study, the study provides additional country-specific data and complements International Energy Agency Efficient Electrical End-Use Equipment (IEA 4E)’s existing mapping and benchmarking reports for vending machines and retail display cabinets.
In order to facilitate the comparability of efficiency policies across these economies, this study:
- Identifies the national test procedures applied in the target economies and their equivalence to international or national test procedures;
- Compares the differences in the testing procedures to assess the expected impact on rated energy performance;
- Develops energy performance benchmarks; and
- Assesses higher energy efficiency design options and potential efficiency improvement cost-benefits.
Based on the analysis, both reach-in coolers and vending machines demonstrate great potential for significant energy savings by implementing or improving energy efficiency standards and labelling policies in the nine targeted economies.
- Reach-in coolers: if all new products sold from 2014 onwards use the maximum technically achievable efficiency today, the energy savings would be of 56 TWh in 2035 – equivalent to removing the emissions of 11 coal-fired power plants for a year.
- Vending machines: If all new vending machines sold from 2014 onwards were to be at the maximum technically achievable efficiency today, the energy savings would be of 18.5 TWh by 2035 – equivalent to removing the emissions of 3.7 coal-fired power plants for a year.