New CLASP Report Released on the Assessment of Policy Development Assistance (PDA) for Energy Efficiency in Asia

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This report offers the most comprehensive view of the energy efficiency portion of the Official Development Assistance (ODA) provided by the world’s major donors that could be assembled in the limited time available for this study.  Published in September 2007, it was revised in October 2007.

CLASP was funded by the Japan’s Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) in June 2007 to research technical assistance worldwide that supports the development and implementation of energy efficiency policy. The goals of this research were to:

  1. Qualitatively estimate the current level of policy development assistance (PDA) for energy efficiency (including but not limited to standards and labeling) globally and in Asia; as well as
  2. Speculate on how much PDA could be usefully applied to enhance developing countries’ economic growth and reduce carbon emissions.

Authors: Stephane de la Rue du Can, Stephen Wiel, Mirka della Cava; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)


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