Assessment of Proposed Motor Standards Supports Brazilian Regulations

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Since passage of the Energy Efficiency law in 2001, Brazil has moved aggressively toward a mandatory standard for three-phase motors with the plan to regulate three additional appliances in 2005. CLASP, with generous support from the UN Foundation / UNDESA and USAID, coordinated a study related to Minimum Efficiency Performance Levels (MEPS) for motors proposed by the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME). This study was commissioned in order to evaluate the Brazilian government’s proposed target program for motors up to 250 HP and estimate the potential savings of mandatory standards for three-phase motors up to 500 HP, in consultation with the other Brazilian regulatory agencies, PROCEL and INMETRO.

The study was executed by a team of experts from the Alberto Luis Coimbra Post-Graduate and Research Engineering Institute at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ). Experts at COPPE provided an analysis that took advantage of both detailed insights into the Brazilian motors market as well as an overview of the standard-setting process for motors in various other countries.

The result of this effort represents the most comprehensive and technically detailed assessment to date on all aspects of standards implementation and market transformation from a specific set of efficiency target levels in Brazil. Major topics include:

  • Cost-benefit Analyis of Efficiency Improvement
  • National Energy and Financial Impacts of MEPS
  • Comparison of Proposed Efficiency Levels to International Best Practices
  • Comparison of Test Procedures to Internationally-Recognized Standards
  • Institutional Framework and Evolution of Standards Process

After soliciting comments from Brazilian stakeholders and international experts, CLASP delivered the final version of this report to MME in September, 2005.

The full text of the report is available in English and Portuguese. 

English version

  • Final Report 
  • Appendix

Portuguese version

  • Relatoio Final
  • Apendice

Authors: Sebastiao Ercules Melo de Oliveira, Agenor Gomes Pinto Garcia, Tatiana Lauria Vieira da Silva, Luis Fernando Correa Monteiro
Information from: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)


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