LEIA Technology Roadmap Expert Consultants


NOTE: Please submit your proposal via email to spantano@clasp.ngo to be considered.

CLASP improves the energy and environmental performance of the appliances & equipment we use every day, accelerating our transition to a more sustainable world.

We serve as the leading international voice & resource for appliance energy efficiency policies and market acceleration initiatives. From off-grid solar technologies powering energy-impoverished people, to cutting the catastrophic climate impacts of air conditioning, our goal is to dramatically increase uptake of affordable, low-impact, high-quality products.

CLASP, together with the Energy Saving Trust (EST), was recently awarded a leadership role in an ambitious new research and innovation program focused on accelerating global markets for highly-efficient off- and weak-grid appliances. This program, known as Low-Energy Inclusive Appliances (LEIA), is funded by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development, and will support a suite of high-impact market development, technical, policy, research, and innovation interventions to achieve its goals.

In support of this program and our global partners, CLASP is seeking one or more Consultants to contribute to the development of Technology Roadmaps for selected products. Information on the background, objectives, scope of work, reporting, and timeframe for implementation of the project is provided below, along with instructions for proposal submission and evaluation.


High-quality, energy-efficient appliances dramatically reduce energy costs while enhancing the delivery of modern energy services. They drive demand for off-grid clean energy systems like solar home systems and renewable mini-grids, improve the economics of energy access in weak- and edge-of-the-grid contexts, and displace the use of hazardous, expensive fuels like kerosene and charcoal. Modern low-energy appliances deliver enhanced quality of life, information services, income generation and labor-saving opportunities, as well as other socioeconomic and environmental benefits for un- and under-electrified households.

Despite this potential, and given the importance of low-energy appliances to achieving global sustainable development goals, relatively little attention and financial investment has been applied to research and development of energy efficient, high quality, market appropriate products for off- and weak-grid consumers. The R&D investments that have been made are largely made in isolation by individual small enterprises – typically solar home system distributors – with modest budgets and little in-house expertise in appliance design.

LEIA seeks to change this dynamic by sponsoring a coordinated and collaborative new approach to low-energy appliance R&D. By conducting extensive market and consumer research and developing a series of appliance technology roadmaps, LEIA will identify critical technologies and technology gaps and identify ways to leverage R&D investments, thus providing all stakeholders information with which to make better investment decisions. This request for proposals is focused on the development of technology roadmaps.

Scope of Work

CLASP is seeking one or more individual Expert Consultants to serve as Chairpersons of LEIA Technology Advisory Groups (TAGs). At the outset of the program, TAGs will be established for up to six (6) priority technology categories from the list below; additional TAGs will be organized in the future as new technology R&D priorities are identified:

  • Near-to-Market Products
    • Televisions
    • Water pumping and irrigation
    • Domestic refrigerators
    • Fans
  • Horizon & Enabling Technologies
    • Compatibility/interoperability
    • Advanced refrigeration
    • Brushless DC motors
    • Agricultural technologies
    • Advanced electric cooking
    • Connectivity/Internet of Things
    • Other income generating products
  • Identify and invite individuals from industry, academia, government, standards development organizations, and other global institutions to participate in the TAG, on an ongoing basis;
  • Identify TAG co-chairs, as needed;
  • Identify potential partnerships with organizations (e.g., IEC, IEA, IEEE) engaged in complementary technical activities;
  • Develop goals & timelines for the Technology Roadmap process;
  • Moderate TAG meetings;
  • Review and distribute meeting minutes (note-taking services to be provided by CLASP) within one week of each TAG meeting;
  • Prepare iterative drafts of the Technology Roadmap, to include the following:
    • Current technology status,
    • Options for technology improvement,
    • Technical barriers,
    • Market barriers,
    • Near-term, mid-term, and long-term R&D milestones;
  • Develop terms of reference for TAG research projects and other activities in pursuit of Roadmap milestones, including both direct-impact and enabling R&D initiatives;
  • Review and comment on terms of reference for LEIA market and consumer research;
  • Summarize LEIA research results for distribution within the TAG;
  • Prepare semi-annual TAG progress reports;
  • Participate in occasional roundtable discussions of TAG Chairpersons and share informal feedback with CLASP & EST to improve TAG processes;
  • Review and contribute to LEIA publications as related to the technology area;
  • Travel to at least one in-person TAG meeting per year.

The Chairperson will work hand-in-hand with colleagues at CLASP and EST to lead the TAG.  Specific responsibilities are expected to include the following:

The Chairperson will serve an initial one-year term.  At the end of the term, the TAG will vote to elect a new Chairperson.

Each LEIA TAG will have its own Chairperson. Depending on the specific skills and expertise of respondents, CLASP may select one Consultant to serve as a Chairperson of multiple TAGs.


The first TAG meetings will be organized in January 2018.  TAGs are expected to meet monthly at the outset and at least quarterly on an ongoing basis.

Evaluation & Criteria

A committee will evaluate project and budget proposals received from respondents. Selection of qualified experts will be based upon the following criteria:

Qualifications, including:

  • Familiarity with each technology for which the Consultant is applying, including previous R&D and road-mapping experience;
  • A professional network of experts who can make substantive contributions to specific technology roadmaps;
  • Understanding of relevant consumers, products, and market characteristics and needs, and of global clean energy access and development initiatives and stakeholders;
  • A thorough grasp of the project’s scope, objectives and goals;
  • Strong written and verbal communications skills;

Cost proposal

Proposals will be evaluated using a blinded Quality and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS) method, with weights of 70 percent towards experience and qualifications, and 30 percent towards proposed costs. Additional information about CLASP’s selection process is available here.

Information for Potential Applicants

A. Terms, Conditions, and Requirements Relevant to Project 

The Consultant’s travel and other reasonable expenses incurred in the execution of this work will be reimbursed following approval by the designated CLASP project manager. The amounts should not exceed those specified in the budget. At a minimum, the Consultant should plan to travel to one in-person TAG meeting per year, at a location convenient to a majority of TAG participants. With the exception of the Consultant’s time and expenses, in-person meeting costs (venue, etc.) will be paid by CLASP and should not be included in the proposal.

This project activity will be funded through a grant from the UK Department for International Development. In accordance with this grant, the Consultant (and any of its sub-grantees) may be subject to a Due Diligence Assessment (DDA) by CLASP or its designated agent at any time during the proposal evaluation process or during the term of any awarded contract. The DDA may include risk assessments and/or an evaluation of the Consultant’s organizational structure and governance, financial stability, and ability to deliver project objectives with good value for money. The DDA will also include an evaluation of the Consultant’s policies, procedures, and organizational history as related to Ethics; Counter Fraud, Bribery, Corruption, and Money Laundering; Counter-terrorism; and Transparency.

B. Confidentiality Statement

All data and information received from, its designees or partners, appliance manufacturers, or other off-grid clean energy access industry stakeholders for the purpose of this assignment are to be treated confidentially and are only to be used in connection with the execution of this assignment. All intellectual property rights arising from the execution of this assignment are assigned to the relevant project funders and their designees. The contents of data sets or written materials obtained and used in this assignment may not be reused or disclosed to any third parties without the expressed advance written authorization of CLASP or its designees.


Interested parties should submit separate technical and financial proposals as electronic files. The files should be named as per the following examples:

[Contractor Name]_RFP9-17_Technical-Proposal

[Contractor Name]_RFP9-17_Financial-Proposal

Note: Do not use # or any other symbols in the filename, as this will result in a damaged file.

The Project Proposal must include the following elements:

  • A list of the specific technology categories of interest and subject to this application;
  • A proposed work plan and full explanation of the associated resources and expertise the Consultant will bring to the project;
  • Detailed proposed timeline of deliverables and milestones;
  • Examples of relevant, related work;
  • Current resumes or CVs for key staff persons;
  • Project references; and
  • Any Due Diligence Assessments or related materials previously prepared for DFID or other funders.

The Financial Proposal must include the following elements:

  • A detailed budget that summarizes all anticipated time and expenses;
  • A fully-burdened hourly rate;
  • An estimate of the number of hours required to fulfill the above requirements over a 12-month period.

If necessary for the selection process, CLASP may request additional information from any applicant.

Proposals must be submitted via email to spantano@clasp.ngo, including all the requested information. The deadline for proposal submission is December 21, 2017.

All questions may be addressed to Jenny Corry Smith at jcorry@clasp.ngo and Stephen Pantano at spantano@clasp.ngo. The last date for submission of questions related to this RFP is December 15, 2017. We request that all inquiries be made by e-mail and not by phone.


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