Vendor Packet – Onboarding Resources

This page outlines the necessary steps for onboarding new CLASP Vendors and Consultants.

Important Contacts

Procurement Process Questions: Andrea Testa, Legal and Contracts Manager at or Invoicing Questions: CLASP Accounts Payable distribution list at

Submit Invoices to: CLASP email integrated with at


1. Complete online form to register as a CLASP Consulting Partner

CLASP Consulting Partner form: Quick form that allows us to keep current and former Consulting Partners up to date with new opportunities to partner with CLASP.


2. Complete online PQQ form

Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) form: The PQQ is a thorough due diligence screening aimed at gathering legal and financial information on prospective partners/vendors. While the form can be saved, we recommend completing it in one sitting to avoid potential complications. We will be notified once you submit the PQQ.

Organizations that have already completed the PQQ do not need to complete it again unless the structure of the business has changed. If you are unsure, or have any questions, please email Andrea Testa (email above) to determine next steps.


3. Complete online Vendor Data Form

Vendor Data Form: This information allows our Accounts Payable (AP) team to set you up in, which CLASP will use to remit payment for invoices.

Please note that you will provide banking info in this form in addition to, which facilitates CLASP AP’s ability to troubleshoot if any issues arise to ensure payment is remitted as soon as possible.


4. Review guidance for finalizing profile

After our AP team receives your Vendor Data Form, they will send you an invitation to (or we can link an existing Payment Network ID).

Please use the Fill in Bank Details in to enter banking info in CLASP will remit payment via


5. Review CLASP’s Invoicing Guidelines

Please review CLASP’s Invoicing Guidelines. You may use your own invoice if all required information from the Invoicing Guidelines is listed or use our Invoice Template.


6. Contract signature

CLASP staff will prepare a contract based on your SOW—please do not fill out the template—but we encourage you to review our standard contract language to identify any potential terms that may need to be negotiated as early as possible.

The Word copy of the contract CLASP sends you will contain our standard terms and conditions (in the link above) and the SOW for your review. You should NOT sign this copy.

Should you agree to the language of the contract in its entirety, we will send it via Adobe Sign for your signature as soon as the internal approval process is completed. Please note that any request of modification – while certainly possible – will delay the process, since the language has been already vetted and cleared by counsels, and should be made in Track Changes and/or by adding comment(s) on the doc.

If the first deliverable of the contract is “Due upon contract signature” then you will need to submit the corresponding invoice as soon as the contract is fully executed.


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