Welcoming 2022 With New Team Members

Since our last update, five new team members have joined our team. Learn about their passions for the environment, public service and new languages.

Daniel Holman

Clockwise from upper left corner: Dennis Migono, Communications Associate; Anna Wright, Coordinator; Moumita Chandra, Program Associate; Mike Ofuya, Coordinator; Sumedha Awasthy, Program Associate

CLASP closed out 2021 and began 2022 with excitement as we welcomed five new team members across our offices in Washington DC, India and Kenya. We asked our new colleagues to share what sparked their passion for environmental issues, why they are excited to join CLASP and where their interests take them outside of the office.

The CLASP team comes from an array of backgrounds, but there is one thing we all have in common: a long-standing passion to address climate and clean energy challenges around the world. Sumedha Awasthy, a Clean Energy Access Program Associate, was inspired by her environmental club in school as she recognized the consequences of unsustainable use of our natural resources. Moumita Chandra, a new Climate Program Associate, has advocated for environmental protection since her college days: “The results of neglecting our environment are all too apparent as we have seen the deterioration and destruction that has resulted from climate change, frequent floods, severe droughts, raising of the ocean tides” she added.

Dennis Migono, a Clean Energy Access Communications Associate, shared his inspiration to pursue environmental issues from his young days as a Boy Scout, where he had the opportunity to get his hands dirty to keep the planet clean and healthy: “I benefited from these initiatives as they taught me about the symbiotic relationship between human beings and the environment.” Anna Wright, a Coordinator for the Clean Energy Access Team in our Washington DC office, grew up near a small cattle farm in Virginia where her experiences sparked a fascination with the natural environment and spurred her to study environmental issues in college.

Our new teammates are bringing their passion for the planet and expertise to CLASP’s work every day. Mike Ofuya, a Coordinator based out of our Kenya office, is excited to be a part of an organization that focuses on “improving energy access through appliance efficiency, which directly enables millions of people across the globe to have access to clean energy solutions for everyday use thus improving the quality of their lives.”

Sumedha noted, “It is a dream come true when passion meets work. I derive a lot of pride and satisfaction working for a company that aims to make a difference in the world.”

The CLASP team spreads their positive spirit outside work through involvement with their communities and hobbies. Moumita has been a part of an NGO called Jagorani since 2015, which helps make positive contributions in growth and development of society with a focus on healthcare, livelihoods, women’s empowerment and free education for underprivileged children. “I am just a small cog in this movement but the impact of these activities on the society are something that I am immensely proud of indeed!” said Moumita.

Anna just moved to DC and is proud to be forming healthy routines and staying connected with friends and family. Dennis mentioned he teaching himself a new language through a self-teaching approach and Mike noted how he is proud of his personal growth over the past couple months, obtaining a much clearer sense for what he wants to achieve in life.

CLASP is proud to be continuously growing such a passionate and talented team that is committed to our work for people and the planet. We are excited for what the future holds.


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