Webinar Materials | How Mepsy Can Transform Your Energy Efficiency Policy Development

Presentation materials from a webinar demonstration of energy efficiency policy tool Mepsy and its features on 16 March 2022.

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CLASP Webinar: How Mepsy Can Transform Your Energy Efficiency Policy Development

Effective energy efficiency policy is more important than ever for mitigating carbon emissions and improving energy access globally. Policymakers and researchers can take advantage of Mepsy, CLASP’s free policy analysis tool, to make data-driven decisions about managing the top energy-consuming appliances, now including lighting and considerations for varying compliance levels.

This webinar, held on 16 March 2022, informed participants of two major additions to Mepsy’s toolkit: lighting and compliance. In addition, CLASP demonstrated how to use Mepsy to perform custom analyses and multiple tier policy analyses, in response to high demand for the feature.

A PDF version of the slides is available above, but to view the videos presented during the slideshow, please see the link below. Other related materials can also be downloaded below.

For more information on Mepsy, see the Mepsy tool page and watch our launch webinar.

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