
Throughout Asia, growing household buying power is increasing demand for appliances and equipment. The challenge is to expand access without raising global temperatures.

Space cooling and refrigeration are not just a matter of comfort: lack of cooling is a threat to health and safety, food supply, and medical care.

High-Impact Products in Focus

CLASP is a leader in global efforts to meet rising demand for cooling technologies while reducing their climate impacts.

Equipment such as lighting, computers, motors, and televisions are critical to expanding opportunities for education and economic growth. CLASP supports strong markets in which consumers have access to affordable, high quality, resource-efficient appliances to meet their needs.

We work in countries throughout Asia to advance sustainable appliance and equipment policies.


Consumers increasingly look online to purchase appliances and equipment, shifting their attention from traditional brick-and-mortar stores. CLASP’s work in China focuses on making appliance efficiency information more readily available during online transactions.

Market transformation in China is the single largest opportunity in the world to achieve CO₂ emissions reductions from appliances.

Building on China’s well-established product efficiency labeling framework, we are partnering with government and retail stakeholders to improve the accessibility of product efficiency information in online purchasing environments.

Mumbai street scene


Policymaking requires strong institutions and a healthy ecosystem including the public sector, the private sector, and civil society and consumers. CLASP’s work in India over the past 15 years has contributed to the strengthening of these actors.

Under current policies, India's electricity demand for cooling will increase 6-fold by 2040, driven by growing air conditioner use.

CLASP works closely with India’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency, which has steadily expanded its appliance policy framework to cover a wide range of residential, commercial and industrial energy-using products. The results include reducing greenhouse gas emissions and peak electricity demand, helping to diminish air pollution, reducing consumer energy costs, and expanding access to high quality appliances.From our offices in New Delhi and with collaboration by team members around the world, CLASP technical and analytical support has contributed to efficiency policy development for products ranging from residential air conditioning systems, water heaters and microwaves, to industrial chillers, commercial refrigerators and smart electric meters. In partnership with local stakeholders, we advance policy compliance, education and outreach initiatives to foster an ecosystem for resource-efficient appliances and equipment.


Building on Indonesia's appliance efficiency policies, CLASP is partnering with government and civil society stakeholders to advance the shift towards high-efficiency appliances. Through technical advice, consumer education and spurring sustainable procurements, we aim to promote more sustainable options in Indonesia. 

Our collaborations in Indonesia have already led to policies that will avoid 101 Mt CO2 emissions cumulatively by 2030.

CLASP works closely with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia (MEMR) to advance and improve efficiency policies for energy-consuming appliances. We share international best practices and conduct appliance energy efficiency impact analyses to support local agencies in achieving national energy goals.


Energy use in Pakistan is rising rapidly, driven by rural electrification and economic growth. CLASP works with local partners to support efficiency policies for widely used appliances such as ceiling fans and electric motors.

Pakistan experiences severe heat waves that are increasing in frequency and intensity due to climate change.

CLASP has supported efficiency policy in Pakistan since 2016 – contributing to the country’s first policy for electric motors, assisting in policy development for ceiling fans, and supporting bulk procurement to transform the fan market. We recently expanded our partnership with the government of Pakistan with support from the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program, with a multi-year project to assess national cooling needs and chart a path toward sustainable cooling.

Philippines, Thailand & Vietnam

High-performing appliances and equipment improve health and well-being while minimizing climate emissions. We partner with governments, industry, NGOs and other stakeholders in fast-growing economies throughout Southeast Asia to support transparent, effective markets for efficient products and appliances.

Less than 20% of households in Southeast Asia have air conditioning, but appliance ownership and cooling demand are projected to skyrocket in coming years.

As electricity demand grows throughout the region, we support efforts to harmonize efficiency policies and expand cross-border collaboration and capacity-building among Association of Southeast Asian Nations member states. We work with stakeholders to enhance product labeling, remove inefficient and poor quality products from the market, and ensure that policies deliver the intended benefits to consumers and the environment.


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