Global LEAP 2017 Off-Grid Appliance Market Survey

In late 2016, Global LEAP conducted a survey of energy access professionals to assess the expected demand for and impact of off-grid, solar-powered appliances, including household, small-medium enterprise (SME), and clinical applications with the goal of helping market actors make better-informed decisions about off-grid appliances.

In partnership with the UK AID, the United Nations Foundation, Power Africa, and many others, the Global Lighting and Energy Access Partnership is undertaking a series of research efforts to enhance global understanding of the off-grid appliance market and provide a framework for stakeholders to identify business opportunities and high-impact policy and programmatic interventions.

This survey follows a 2014 survey on the same topic. These surveys indicate that demand–or perceptions of demand – have shifted over time. Notably, this latest survey indicates increased consumer demand for off-grid refrigeration — including household, agricultural, and commercial applications. Nevertheless, off-grid lighting and mobile phone charging are still identified as top priorities by most respondents.

In late 2016, Global Lighting and Energy Access Partnership (Global LEAP) conducted a survey of energy access professionals to assess the expected demand for and impact of off grid, solar-powered appliances, including household, small-medium enterprise (SME), and clinical applications. The goal is to help market actors throughout the energy access value chain make better-informed decisions about off-grid appliances, from investment and policy, to manufacturing, procurement and marketing.

The survey asked three questions across two product applications– household and SME, and healthcare and clinical – to assess energy access professionals’ perceptions of the off grid appliance market now and in the near future. The survey received 174 responses from industry, policy, and development stakeholders all over the world, including China, East Asia, and the Middle East; the majority of respondents were from East or West Africa.

Download the Global LEAP 2017 Off-Grid Appliance Market Survey report to learn more.


About Efficiency for Access

Efficiency for Access is a global coalition working to promote renewable and energy efficient appliances to deliver clean energy to the world’s poorest people. It is coordinated jointly by CLASP and the UK’s Energy Saving Trust.

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