Technical and Economic Feasibility Study for a High Efficiency Compressor Market in Brazil

Colin Taylor

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In 2018, CLASP analyzed the Brazilian air conditioner (AC) market and Brazilian trade in AC components to understand the demand for Brazilian-made compressors and the opportunities to incentivize investment in the production of high efficiency compressors at competitive prices. The Technical and Economic Feasibility Study for a High Efficiency Compressor Market in Brazil is the result of extensive desk research and interviews CLASP conducted with numerous stakeholders in Brazil.

The report provides an overview of the Brazilian AC compressor market, reviews policies and frameworks that incentivize AC manufacturers to source compressors from domestic suppliers and/or restrict access to high efficiency compressors, and provides recommendations for Brazilian policymakers.

CLASP identified four types of barriers to high efficiency compressor production in Brazil:

  • Energy efficiency policy barriers
  • Industrial regulation barriers
  • Financial barriers
  • Technical barriers

While the financial and technical barriers cannot be readily addressed in the short term, CLASP identified opportunities to remove some of the regulatory and policy barriers.

Technical and Economic Feasibility Study for a High Efficiency Compressor Market in Brazil was prepared for and funded by Instituto Clima e Sociedade (Institute for Climate and Society or iCS). The report is available in English and Portuguese.

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