Minimum Efficiency Performance Standards, Labels, and Test Procedures for Refrigerators, Freezers, and Room Air Conditioners in Canada, Mexico, the United States, China, and Other Developing and Transition Nations

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This report analyzes minimum energy performance standards (MEPS), test procedures, comparative labeling, and endorsement labeling for refrigerators, freezers, and room air conditioners in the United States, Canada, Mexico, China and other developing and transition nations. 


I. Introduction

II. Mandatory Efficiency Performance Standards (MEPS) and Test Procedures  

A. Refrigerators and freezers    

i) USA

ii) Canada

iii) Mexico

iv) China

v) Other Developing and Transition Countries

B. Room air conditioners

 i) USA

 ii) Canada

 iii) Mexico

 iv) China

 v) Other Developing and Transition Countries

III. Comparison Labels 

A. U.S. Energy Guide Program 

B. Canada’s EnerGuide program 

C. Mexico’s comparative labeling program 

D. China’s labeling program

IV. Endorsement Labels  

A. U.S. ENERGY STAR program 

B. Description of Canada’s Energy Star – High Efficiency Label 

C. Description of Mexico’s Sello FIDE program 

D. Voluntary Labeling in China

File versions:

  • English 
  • Portuguese 

Author: Howard Geller


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