Enabling Reliable Testing Capacity in Southeast Asia
In 2019, CLASP carried out an inter-laboratory comparison exercise in Vietnam—an exercise to assess regional testing capacity of air conditioners and promote more accurate, consistent, and reproducible tests. The Round Robin Testing Report summarizes the RRT exercise findings, analysis results, and recommendations to improve the testing procedures and processes.
In 2019, CLASP carried out an inter-laboratory comparison exercise in Vietnam—an exercise to assess regional testing capacity of air conditioners and promote more accurate, consistent, and reproducible tests. Three laboratories in Vietnam participated in the exercise: two government-owned laboratories, QUATEST 3 and Testing and Verification Center for Industry, and the other a local manufacturer laboratory, Midea.
CLASP in collaboration with a testing expert from the Centro de Ensayos, Innovación y Servicios (CEIS) implemented this laboratory performance evaluation exercise using a round-robin testing scheme (RRT). CLASP and the testing expert conducted facility audits and witnessed select air conditioner unit testing at the participating laboratories. Analysis of the audits showed that all three performed testing with a high degree of accuracy, confirming their technical capacity to meet international testing requirements. The Round Robin Testing Report summarizes the RRT exercise findings, analysis results, and recommendations to improve the testing procedures and processes.