Solar Appliance Repairability Index Series


This solar appliance repairability index series from Efficiency for Access consists of a position paper that outlines findings of current repair practices and key criteria for assessing repairability, as well as repair indices for solar water pumps, fans, and refrigerators.

Solar appliances often constitute a significant financial investment, especially for those living in off-grid regions where recycling is also limited. Enhancing appliance repairability aims to protect consumer investment and the environment by incentivising designs that are easier to repair or refurbish.

This Solar Appliance Repairability Index Series from Efficiency for Access consists of an introductory paper that outlines the findings of current repair practices and key criteria for assessing repairability, as well as repair indices for solar water pumps, fans, and refrigerators.

The introductory paper, “Closing the Loop: Enhancing Repairability in the Solar Appliance Market,” synthesises field research in Kenya and interviews with 32 stakeholders. Findings reveal that the repair of solar appliances is currently managed in an informal, uncoordinated way. This poses challenges to the sustainability of the solar appliance sector, including:

  • Knowledge gaps
  • Access to repair services
  • Missed job opportunities

Read the report, “Closing the Loop: Enhancing Repairability in the Solar Appliance Market” for more findings.

About Efficiency for Access 

Efficiency for Access is a global coalition working to promote renewable and energy efficient appliances to deliver clean energy to the world’s poorest people. It is coordinated jointly by CLASP and the UK’s Energy Saving Trust.

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