Uses & Impacts of Electric Pressure Cookers


This report presents the results from 400 phone interviews on the impact and experience of electric pressure cooker customers in Kenya.

This report was developed by CLASP for the Efficiency for Access Coalition in collaboration with 60Decibels

Four billion people around the world still lack access to affordable, clean, efficient and safe cooking energy. Of these, 1.25 billion are transitioning to use modern cooking services, while the rest face high barriers to adoption.

Between May and October 2020, a Global LEAP results-based financing pilot facilitated the procurement of 4,806 electric pressure cookers (EPCs) in Kenya, sold to households by 6 participating distributors. As the market for EPCs is relatively nascent, Kenya was selected as the target geography for the pilot due to the presence of early-mover EPC distributors, electrification rates, as well as the cost of fuel.

This report presents the results of the research carried out by the 60 Decibels team through 400 phone interviews on the impact and experience of EPC customers. This study aims to provide deeper insights into the impact of first-time appliance ownership.

Download the report here: Uses & Impacts of Electric Pressure Cookers


About Efficiency for Access

Efficiency for Access is a global coalition working to promote renewable and energy efficient appliances to deliver clean energy to the world’s poorest people. It is coordinated jointly by CLASP and the UK’s Energy Saving Trust.

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