Global LEAP-RBF Communications & Storytelling


Please E-MAIL submissions to Karen Nozik ( with subject line “CLASP RFP 2-18: Global LEAP-RBF Communications & Storytelling”

Introduction and Background

CLASP improves the energy and environmental performance of the appliances & equipment we use every day, accelerating our transition to a more sustainable world.

CLASP’s significant expertise in appliance energy efficiency is increasingly relevant to the clean energy access sector. Clean energy technologies like solar home systems and renewable mini-grids make it possible for un- and under-electrified households and businesses to access modern energy services for the first time. Appropriately designed, highly energy-efficient, cost-effective products and services are essential to delivering energy services at least cost, and to scaling and accelerating global energy access efforts.

Efficient off-grid appliance technologies reduce total energy supply costs and maximize energy access, helping alleviate poverty and maximizing social and health benefits.

CLASP serves as the Operating Agent for the several programs of the Global Lighting & Energy Access Partnership (Global LEAP), an initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) to catalyze and support commercial markets that deliver clean energy access products and services to un- and under-electrified communities throughout the developing world.

Global LEAP+RBF is a program that provides results-based financing incentives to encourage off-grid solar companies to purchase and distribute best-in-class off-grid appliances. The purpose of these incentives is to hasten procurement of and enable clear paths to market for these appliances, as well as to foster productive long-term business relationships between off-grid solar companies and appliance suppliers. The program offers incentives to companies who sell these products to end users in Bangladesh, Kenya, Tanzania, and Rwanda.

In support of this program, CLASP must implement a robust, multi-faceted monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework to ensure all product sales comply with donor requirements. The M&E framework will include in-person interviews with end customers in off-grid areas of Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda. The interviews present an opportunity to capture information about the impacts of these products on the lives of people living without access to the electricity grid.

Scope of Work

CLASP seeks to engage a consultant to undertake customer interviews and produce a multimedia storytelling package that will enable CLASP to disseminate real-world impact stories among a diverse set of off-grid market stakeholders including donors, development partners, NGOs, industry representatives, and policymakers.

The consultant will work closely with the CLASP team to schedule field visits in two of the countries listed above (to be determined) and be responsible for the following tasks:

  1. Work closely with the CLASP team to design, deliver, and document a questionnaire and interview approach for end customers; collaborate with CLASP team and partners (e.g. off-grid solar companies, development institutions) to identify customers; coordinate visits and logistics. Customers may include shop or small business owners, including small-hold farmers and fishers / fishmongers.
  2. Immediately following field visits and interviews, develop narrative customer profiles for twenty (20) end customers who purchased off-grid appliance products through the Global LEAP+RBF program. These narratives should focus on the impacts of the products on their daily lives (e.g., improved safety, higher quality of life, less time spent doing household chores, educational and/or health outcomes for them and/or their families). These should include photos and videos (at least 10 edited photos per customer; at least 5 short videos (30 to 90 seconds)).
  3. Create video testimonials for seven distinct (7) customers interviewed for the narrative profiles, ranging in length from about 2 minutes to 5 minutes.
  4. Provide 50 edited photographs to CLASP of appliances in people’s homes, appliances for sale in local markets, the natural environment and local communities where interview subjects live and work.
  5. Work closely with the CLASP team to design, deliver and document a questionnaire and interview approach for 5 representatives of participating off-grid solar companies.
  6. Immediately following interviews, develop narrative profiles for all 5 representatives, with photographs (at least 3 edited photos per), videos of three representatives, ranging from 3-5 minutes long. Video content should focus on the ways in which the program benefitted their business, the relevance of off-grid appliances to their business, and perceived impact of their business to local economies and other macro perspective of benefits.
  7. Prepare content for web posting and general use, in coordination with CLASP.
  8. Share with CLASP original footage and photography files.

Reporting and Deliverables

The contractor will work closely with CLASP and other program partners to develop, implement, and deliver the deliverables laid out in the Scope of Work.

The contractor can also expect to provide occasional support to CLASP’s program reporting efforts.


CLASP anticipates that the work will commence in March 2018, and may take place across the rest of 2018. Applicants responding to this RFP should anticipate the level of effort required to span over 9 months.

Evaluation Process and Criteria

Applicants must submit a project proposal and budget proposal. A committee will evaluate each. Selection will be based upon the following:

65 percent based on qualifications, including:

  • Familiarity and experience with multi-media storytelling in East Africa;
  • Familiarity with off-grid solar and appliance markets, regions and cultures in i.e. Sub-Saharan Africa;
  • Familiarity with off-grid clean energy technology markets;
  • A thorough grasp of this program’s scope, objectives and goals (current program documents will be made available upon request)

35 percent based on proposed costs.

For questions or concerns related to this RFP, please contact Karen Nozik, Senior Communications Associate:


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