Accelerating Market Transformation toward Energy Efficient Appliances in India

India’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and CLASP hosted a major workshop in early February 2012 that focused on accelerating market transformation toward energy efficient appliances through standards and labeling (S&L).

One panel discussion in the India worksho.

The workshop, held in New Delhi, demonstrated the development of India’s S&L network over the last few years with nearly 100 participants, including representatives from BEE and the US Department of Energy (DOE), product testing laboratories, appliance manufacturers, advocacy organizations, consumer associations, and technical experts.

In a special session, senior officials from the governments of India and the US emphasized the importance of appliance S&L in accelerating the pace of market transformation. Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General of BEE, asserted the significance of and India’s commitment to improving transitions to more stringent S&L. Dr. Mathur also commented on the need to support India’s Super-Efficient Equipment Program (SEEP) through outreach, monitoring, and verification; and the key role that rapid adoption of energy-efficient appliances can play in alleviating peak power load. Rick Duke, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Climate Policy at DOE, encouraged all stakeholders to continue collaborative efforts to address barriers to energy efficiency and achieve more successful market transformation in the long term. Mr. Duke also highlighted that the SEAD initiative drives this same type of collaboration on an international scale.

The two-day workshop included presentations and panel discussions on all aspects of S&L, including:

  • The critical need to increase efficiency standards for products that are currently covered under BEE’s S&L scheme;
  • The importance of expanding the scope of Indian S&L by covering new product classes, such as consumer electronics;
  • Potential future directions and improvements for SEEP, India’s new domestic incentive program; and
  • Building product testing laboratory capacity to enhance monitoring, verification, and enforcement (MV&E).

Dr. Sandeep Garg and Mr. Graham Pugh attended the India Workshop

The event deepened collaboration among between technical experts, policymakers, and other stakeholders. Following this successful S&L workshop, BEE and CLASP are committed to hosting similar collaborative events in the future.

Click here to download the workshop agenda. Presentations are available for download below.

Day 1

Inaugural Session:

First Session: Indian S&L – Expanding and Deepening

Second Session: Market Transformation in India

Third Session: Market Transformation: National and International Initiatives and Collaboration

Day 2

First Session: Monitoring, Verification, and Enforcement

Second Session: S&L Tools and Resources for India


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