Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation’s Energy Standards & Information System Site

The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation’s Energy Standards & Information System (APEC ESIS), a project established by APEC’s Expert Group on Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EGEE&C), provides comprehensive, up-to-date information about energy efficiency standards and labels (S&L) for appliances, equipment, and lighting in the APEC region and streamlines S&L information exchange among APEC member governments.

APEC ESIS Global Standards and Labeling Database

APEC ESIS, in collaboration with CLASP, manages and oversees a Global Standards and Labeling Database with detailed S&L information in economies in the APEC region.

To facilitate information exchange among APEC economies, CLASP engages key S&L experts in each APEC economy to collect and provide up-to-date S&L policy information to APEC ESIS. With assistance from these Key Economy Contacts, the collaboration between APEC and CLASP has resulted in expanded availability and accessibility of S&L data, as well as more structured information-sharing via the web-based database. In addition, CLASP added S&L data for 23 non-APEC economies to the database, further enhancing the S&L information available to APEC member countries.

With support from APEC, CLASP, and the Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) Initiative, the enhanced version of the S&L database provides APEC countries with new and improved functionality to run queries on specific products, countries, or S&L programs, as well as to visualize timelines for future S&L activities around the world. ESIS drives collaboration through partnership among CLASP, the EGEE&C, and participating members in the APEC region, by identifying opportunities for governments to accelerate and strengthen S&L policies and expand the scope of S&L information included in the database.

APEC ESIS is chaired by New Zealand and is managed by a Steering Committee that consists of energy experts and officials from contributing economies, which include Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Thailand, and the United States. In April 2004, CLASP commenced its role as the secretariat of APEC ESIS under the direction of the EGEE&C. In this function, CLASP oversees S&L data collection and integration, serves as a central repository for all data contributions to ESIS, and provides strategic planning for the long-term sustainability of the initiative and continued contributions of ESIS member economies.


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