CLASP Launches a New Awards Program for Off-Grid Products in Support of Global LEAP

CLASP initiated the coordination of a new global program in support of the Global Lighting and Energy Access Partnership (Global LEAP), a Clean Energy Ministerial initiative with a mission to drive and support sustainable commercial markets that increase modern energy access worldwide. The first round of the Global LEAP awards will focus on off-grid LED lighting applications. The second round will focus on off-grid flat panel televisions.

CLASP recently initiated the coordination of a new global program in support of the Global Lighting and Energy Access Partnership (Global LEAP), a Clean Energy Ministerial initiative with a mission to drive and support sustainable commercial markets that increase modern energy access worldwide.

In its role as Awards Operating Agent, CLASP promotes and manages the Global LEAP Outstanding Off-Grid Product Awards program to catalyze markets for off-grid energy products and services.

Over 1.4 billion people worldwide live without access to the electric grid, the vast majority of which are in the developing world. The Global LEAP Awards competition will drive industry to innovate more efficient and higher quality off-grid products, delivering substantial economic, environmental, and quality of life benefits to these off-grid populations.

The first round of the Global LEAP awards will focus on off-grid LED lighting applications. The second round will focus on off-grid flat panel televisions. The rules for both competitions will be announced by first quarter 2013.


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