CLASP Presents World’s Best MEPS at APEC Energy Meeting

China program lead Steven Zeng presented CLASP's World's Best MEPS research to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting to motivate APEC countries to update standards.

Qianqian Cui, Hannah Blair

CLASP’s Steven Zeng joined the 60th Meeting of the Expert Group on Energy Efficiency & Conservation (EGEE&C) to present our analysis of the World’s Best MEPS to policymakers from APEC economies. By adopting and updating minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) aligned with international targets for reduced energy consumption, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) governments can deliver on climate and financial agendas.

Hosted in Hong Kong, China, the two-day meeting gathered more than 60 experts and delegates from 15 APEC member countries and international organizations to discuss plans to reduce energy intensity (rate of energy expended per unit of GDP growth). The meeting covered key interventions, including policy frameworks, relevant regulations, practical experience and technological developments.

Zeng recommended that the group explore capacity building and information exchange programs to improve energy-efficiency policies and labelling programs for residential appliances and industrial equipment. The EGEE&C Secretariat encouraged members collaborate with CLASP on MEPS and related interventions to accelerate markets to more efficient appliances.


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