Find CLASP at the Asia Clean Energy Forum 2024

CLASP will be at the Asia Clean Energy Forum 2024 in Manila, Philippines to show how increasing appliance efficiency improves lives and cuts climate emissions.

Karishma Joseph

At COP28, the Global Renewables & Energy Efficiency Pledge called on countries to work together to double global energy efficiency by 2030. This target requires a multi-sector approach including stronger efficiency policies, de-risking finance, and incentivizing efficient technologies and services.

CLASP’s Expertise in Appliance Efficiency

With 25 years of expertise on the policies and technologies necessary to double appliance energy efficiency, CLASP has proven, actionable solutions that can support governments and industry to take action. To highlight this, CLASP, Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), and Mission Efficiency will host: ‘From Pledge to Action: Energy Efficiency in the Asia Pacific’ on 3 June 2024 at the Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF) 2024. This discussion will bring together energy efficiency experts, government representatives, financial institutions, and philanthropic organizations to assess current readiness, identify regional strengths, and develop a concrete action roadmap for improving energy efficiency across Asia.

Asia: Key to Global Climate Action

Asia plays a pivotal role in achieving global energy efficiency targets, over half of the world’s population lives there, alongside major appliance manufacturing industries. CLASP’s research shows that as the continent heats up, demand for life-saving cooling appliances will steadily rise. Increasing the efficiency of these vital products will reduce the draw on national power grids, lower running costs for consumers, and reduce climate emissions.

At other events at ACEF 2024, CLASP’s Moumita Chandra and Steven Zeng will present the latest outcomes from improved appliance efficiency policies in India and China.

CLASP identifies proven solutions, strengthens consensus on policy options, and pushes for collective action to make high-quality, climate-friendly appliances accessible to all.

Details on CLASP’s sessions at ACEF 2024:

Afternoon Session | Pre-Forum Event

Roundtable by CLASP, SE4All and Mission Efficiency: From Pledge to Action: Energy Efficiency in the Asia Pacific

03 June 2024, 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm (PST), Multi-Function Hall 1

Afternoon Session | Thematic Track 2.1 Energy Efficiency Policies 

04 June 2024, 2:10 pm to 2:55 pm (PST), Auditorium Hall 2

Moumita Chandra will present the proven, cost-effective energy efficiency policies rolled out in India that other countries can implement immediately, with large climate gains.

Morning Session | Thematic Track 2.3 Energy Efficient Heating and Cooling

06 June 2024, 9:05 am – 9:55 am (PST), Auditorium Hall 2

Steven Zeng presents global strategies and China’s policies that are driving heat pump adoption.

Spotlight Session | Women Bridging the Clean Energy Financing Gap

06 June 2024, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm (PST), Multi-Function Hall 3

Bishal Thapa will panel a discussion, hosted by USAID South Asia Regional Energy Partnership, on the success stories, challenges, and best practices of women tackling the financing gap while leading the clean energy revolution.

If you are attending ACEF 2024 and would like to get in touch with CLASP, please contact Karishma Joseph on


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