Net Zero Heroes Event: The Essential Appliances for Climate Action

Watch the CLASP webinar on the landmark publication, Net Zero Heroes, and see how affordable, efficient appliances can boost climate action.

On 28 November 2023, CLASP hosted a virtual launch of the landmark publication ‘Net Zero Heroes: Scaling Efficient Appliances for Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation & Resilience’. The event showcased how ten essential appliances, the #NetZeroHeroes, are crucial for achieving global climate objectives and advancing climate adaptation and resilience efforts.

Net Zero Heroes Webinar: The Essential Appliances for Climate Action

Watch the recording to hear inspirational case studies and powerful data that prove the effectiveness and scalability of affordable, efficient appliance solutions. The Net Zero Heroes flagship report is launched ahead of the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference Conference (COP28) to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (30 November-12 December 2023).

Event speakers

Our event featured a diverse group of experts who shared their insights and experiences in the world of energy efficiency, climate action, and appliance innovation.

  • Axum Teferra – Clean Cooling Collaborative
  • Christine Eibs Singer – Shine Campaign
  • Christine Egan – CLASP
  • Duncan Gibb – Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)
  • Oliver-Bealby Wright – Consumers International

The event was moderated by Joyita Mukherjee, a CLASP board member and expert in international development and blended finance.

Follow our #NetZeroHeroes digital campaign on social media.

CLASP's Net Zero Heroes Air Conditioners, Comfort Fans, Refrigerator-Freezers, Heat Pump Space & Water Heaters, Electric Motors, Electric Cookers, Televisions, Solar Water Pumps


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