SEAD Global Efficiency Medals Awarded to World’s Most Energy Efficient Computer Monitors

On September 10, the SEAD Initiative announced the winners of its Global Efficiency Medal competition for the world’s most energy efficient computer monitors.

With energy savings of 12 to 43% over computer monitors with comparable technology, Samsung and LG products took top honors in small, medium, and large size categories for commercially available products. A Samsung display also won in the emerging technology category with a monitor 53% more efficient than comparable monitors on the market today.

By recognizing the most energy efficient monitors on the market around the world, the competition encourages early adopting consumers to purchase top-performing, super-efficient products and spurs manufacturers to produce and sell more energy efficient products.

“When consumers and businesses use these products, they are helping to reduce energy use on a global scale, while saving money,” said Graham Pugh of the U.S. Department of Energy, whose office is responsible for U.S. leadership of the SEAD initiative.

Computer monitors can account for up to 35% of a desktop computer’s energy consumption. If all monitors sold were as efficient as the SEAD award-winning models, 15 to 20 billion kilowatt-hours of energy could be saved by 2020 – enough to power Washington, DC for nearly a year and a half.

The following global winners were recognized for using the least amount of electricity across the four competition regions:

SEAD Global Winners

Size Category Winning Product Model
Small-size category

  • 15 inches to less than 20 inches
  • 1.04 megapixel minimum resolution
Medium-size category

  • 20 inches to less than 23 inches
  • 1.44 megapixel minimum resolution
Samsung S22C200B
Large-size category

  • 23 inches and larger
  • 2.07 megapixel minimum resolution
Samsung S27C450B

Global Emerging Technology Winner

A Samsung 23.6-inch LED backlit prototype computer monitor (product number S24XXXX) won the SEAD Global Efficiency Medal in the emerging technology category.This monitor is 53% more efficient than comparable displays available on the market today. It will be commercially available worldwide within the next two years.

SEAD will recognize the global winning product models at an international awards ceremony in May 2014 at the Fifth Clean Energy Ministerial in Seoul, Korea.

This is the second SEAD Global Efficiency Medal competition. The first competition recognized the world’s most energy-efficient flat-screen televisions. The SEAD Global Efficiency Medal competition for motors is currently underway with nominations accepted through 29 November 2013.

Find out more about the SEAD Global Efficiency Medal competition for computer monitors.


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