CLASP Annual Report & 20th Anniversary Brochure



CLASP improves the energy and environmental performance of the appliances & equipment we use every day, accelerating our transition to a more sustainable world.

Appliances are a big part of our lives. Smart phones keep us connected. Heating, cooling, and lighting improve productivity and safety. Refrigeration protects the food we harvest and eat. Without much thought, we interact with energy- and resource-consuming products every day.

Though appliances improve lives and livelihoods, they also use energy and other essential resources. Recent analyses indicate that air conditioning, not cars, pose the greatest threat to our planet. As millions of households in developing and emerging economies have the financial resources to control their indoor climate for the first time, the world is poised to install 700 million new room air conditioners by 2030 and 1.6 billion by 2050.1 In terms of greenhouse gas emissions, that’s like adding several large countries to the planet.

Meanwhile, nearly 3 billion people prepare their meals on inefficient, pre-modern cookstoves, or over open fires, using charcoal and biomass. An estimated 1.2 billion people around the globe lack access to electricity entirely—another billion have only unreliable access. Energy poverty is a major barrier to social and economic development, and the emissions generated by inefficient and dirty cooking and lighting methods pose serious health risks, especially to women and children, and are powerful climate forcers. For most households living beyond the grid, electrification is too long coming, and for most governments, total electrification is far too expensive and resource-intensive.

On the grid, energy efficient appliances are one of the most cost-effective methods for mitigating climate change. They save money for governments and consumers alike, reduce peak energy demand, and bolster economic and energy security.

Off the grid, energy efficient appliances pair with solar-home systems or mini-grids to increase the availability and affordability of energy. Radically reducing the cost of off-grid energy through efficient appliances improves educational, health, and economic outcomes for the world’s poorest people, while moving all of us closer to a cleaner, renewably-powered energy economy.

Since 1999, CLASP has worked in nearly 100 countries taking three primary approaches:

  • Policy & Analysis – smart policy moves markets towards more energy-efficient and higher quality appliances, from LEDs to cookstoves. We work hand-in-hand with governments to structure rigorous energy and quality standards that promote innovation and competition, and with manufacturers, consumers, and others to label and deploy stand-out products.
  • Market Development & Innovation – Incentivizing good appliances to buyers up and down the supply chain reduces risk for everyone, and builds up markets that are weak or disorganized. Innovative products – from refrigeration for off-grid consumers to the switch to DC power and the internet of things – are game changers for how we all use energy.
  • Global Collaboration – CLASP serves at the epicenter of ambitious and collaborative efforts to prevent catastrophic climate change and make the world sustainable for all. Our cross-cutting research, online tools, trainings, and stakeholder coalitions make best practices available to everybody, amplifying our efforts and impact.

We serve as the leading international voice & resource for appliance energy efficiency policies and market acceleration initiatives. From accelerating the off-grid, solar technologies that bring power to energy-impoverished people, to cutting the catastrophic climate impacts of air conditioning, CLASP programs and services dramatically increase uptake of affordable, low-impact, high-quality appliances.


In 2019, we will celebrate CLASP’s 20th Anniversary. CLASP seeks to engage a contractor to conceptualize and develop our 2018 Annual Report (to be launched during our 20th Anniversary) and Organizational Brochure. Together, these two pieces of collateral will provide a high-level narrative about CLASP and our growth; the impact of our partnerships and programs; and the importance of appliance energy efficiency. It will enable CLASP to share the impact of our programs with a diverse set of stakeholders including donors, development partners, NGOs, industry representatives, and policymakers.

The two publications – Annual Report and Org Brochure – should fit together, with the latter being more evergreen. We welcome innovative ideas for sharing them digitally. We will print both pieces.

The contractor will work closely with the CLASP team as a strategic communications and graphic design partner using CLASP brand elements including photography; iconography, visualized data (e.g. graphs, charts, and other organized data to illustrate our impacts); and/or infographics. CLASP will generate most of the written content.

The two deliverables will:

  • Highlight the impacts and outcomes of our work.
  • Highlight recent and historical accomplishments.
  • Showcase the CLASP team, Board of Directors, technical / research partners, and other who are important members of the CLASP network (current and historical).
  • Provide transparent financial information.


The contractor will provide the following outputs over the course of the project:

  • Complete a “discovery” or kick-off phase with relevant CLASP team members;
  • Develop and receive feedback on outlines for both pieces in coordination with CLASP team; plan for how they relate to each other; create and finalize plan for digital publication;
  • Complete and receive feedback on a first drafts with narrative structure and visual through-line;
  • Complete and receive feedback on a second set of drafts with narrative structure and visual through-line;
  • Complete and receive feedback on a third set of drafts to fine-tune;
  • Final draft annual report and org brochure with related design files.


CLASP anticipates the project to commence in February 2019 and conclude in April 2019.


The right project team will come from an innovative and strategic communications company or organization specializing in creative ways to organize and depict information and stories. The firm will also have:

  • Experience working with the non-profit and/or energy sectors;
  • A history of crafting strong and creative written and visual narratives;
  • Experience working internationally or with international and/or multicultural organizations;
  • Experience creating annual reports; and
  • A collaborative work approach.


Interested parties must:

  1. Register as a CLASP Consulting Partner (click here to register).

It is recommended, but not mandatory, that interested parties:

  1. Complete the general LEIA Prequalification Questionnaire (PQQ) using the online form (click here to complete the PQQ) Note: Organizations that have already completed the LEIA PQQ do not need to complete it again

Interested parties should submit a proposal with the following elements:

  • Articulation of the contractor’s proposed methodology;
  • Proposed timeline for completion, including discovery phase, and draft and final version reports;
  • Proposed budget;
  • Company or organizational profile and proposed project team;
  • Examples of past work.

If necessary for the selection process, CLASP may request additional information from any applicant.

All questions can be addressed to Amanda Upshaw,

Please submit all proposals and materials to Amanda Upshaw by 15 January 2019.


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